Friday, September 19, 2014

Our local honey is available exclusively at Steve Normanton Grass-fed Beef Farm is SOLD OUT

Our own local honey with bees living on Steven Normanton's organic Grass-fed Beef Farm in Litchfield, NH is SOLD OUT. The store is also stocked with beef, pastured pork, lamb, eggs, and various meats as well as being a dropping off point for Benedikt Dairy who provide raw milk, yogurt and amazing cheese.  Shop the old fashioned way - direct from the farmer!

Located at 226 Charles Bancroft Hwy, Litchfield, NH 03052
(603) 320-1169

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Thank you for your patience with us!

We thought we had secured our permanent farm early this summer and did not renew our prior farmland lease for the 2014 season with the anticipation that we would be growing in our new location. In short, our home did not sell in time for the sellers so the farm went back on the market and sold right away to someone else.  We have now sold our home and are in great hopes for a new farm for 2015 and we appreciate your patience with us during this transition.  In the meantime...

We have honey, and not just any honey, it is the REAL deal. We are committed to organic practices and our bees are no different. They have been sitting at Normanton Farms which is a 60 acre organic farm in Litchfield, NH (special thanks to Steve Normanton!).  Most beekeepers will supplement their hives and feed with sugar water and pollen patties to help sustain these fragile hives.  All hives are fragile and ours is no different except for that we opted to not supplement the bees so that they could create their honey from 100% pollen naturally.  After a long awaited honey pull this week all I can say is ...WOW! We have a limited supply of honey based on first come first serve.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Organic Non GMO Vegetables, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) for the 2014 Season

We offer over 60 varieties of mainstream vegetables in shares over the 2014 season.  A share will feed a family of 4+ generously. ½ shares for smaller families as well as ½ shares to add on for larger families are also available for ½ price.  Our main 12 week share is $500.00 and will be available from July through the end of Sept. An earlier 8 week share is also available for $300 but packages will be lighter.

  • Each family will fill out a form stating what you really like and really don’t like so that we can plan and pack favorably. 
  • Beginning in July, you will be notified when packages will be ready and shares will be available for pickup between Thursday and Saturday with other arrangements made available when needed.  All unclaimed packages will be donated to the food pantry on Monday mornings and there will be no refunds or credits for that week.
  • Packages will contain on average of 10 or more different items (weather and pest conditions apply). TFO will provide recipes and storing tips to help you make the most of your package.  *Please note that packages will be lighter at the beginning of the season, this is normal. Please see this link about CSAs to know more  about CSAs.
Email us for availability at

Free Range, Naturally Low in Cholesterol, Organic Eggs for the 2014 Season

Eggs for roughly a 16 week season beginning in June through the fall will be available. 1/2 dozen/wk  subscription will be $32.00; 1 dozen/wk will be $64.00 for the season and so on. That works out to roughly $4.00/dozen. Supermarkets and other places charge $5.00/doz and more for this quality of eggs.

Email to get started!