Sunday, May 31, 2015

New - Bees

While we are continuing to keep bees at Steve Normanton's Farm, we decided to get some new bees for our own farm. All hives are starting off very strong this year.  The queens are very busy so we decided to give them some sugar water (organic of course!) for the worker bees to use to pull out comb on the frames. This will allow the queen to have a place to lay her eggs much faster.  As they fill up the frames with more bees and honey, we will be adding a box on top until that one is full. Bees like to build their colony from the bottom up and while the hives looks a little short now, they will be tall hives by summer's end.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's a family affair...

All hands on deck - especially on a windy day. We recruited kids, neighbors, nieces and nephews to layout and shovel dirt along the entire edge of the row covers. We could get an attachment for our tractor but then everyone would miss out on the fun!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New pigs on the block!

After a long delivery Rosie's piglets arrived, happy and healthy