Friday, August 14, 2015

The Harvest is Plentiful!

The bounty is big!  The list is just too long this week, you'll just have to come and see for yourselves.  And for you honey lovers... we are pulling our hives and honey will be available in about two weeks.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Organic Soy-Free Fed PULLETS ready to lay for the 2016 spring season

Attention Farmers and Homesteaders!
Get the spring started out right. We are offering pullets for next spring ranging in age from 20 weeks to 28 weeks, ready to lay, if not already laying. We will do all the heavy lifting in winter and you can reap the benefits in spring.

Pre-ordering required
*        Choice of 3 large / xtra large brown egg laying breeds
*        Pickups available in February, March and April
*        Order 50 pullets or more

Breeds offered

*        Rhode Island Red Production 200-280 eggs / year:
*        Red Sex Link Production 200- 280 eggs / year
*        Cinnamon Queen Production 250-320 eggs year

Contact us ASAP to place your order as these best laying breeds are going fast and hatcheries are closing for the season.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Eat fresh eat local!

We have lots of vegetables to choose from. Have you ever had a fresh onion?  Unless you've grown them yourself, it is not often you can have an onion from field to table.  We also have Esther's famous Pesto. One pint jar provides several servings and can be frozen.  Try one of Jam's Paradise Pears. Take a look at our list this week and come on by!
  • Potatoes                                                                                 
  • Onions                                                                                    
  • Basil                                                                                       
  • Tomatoes                                                                               
  • Beets                                                                                      
  • Cucumbers                                                                 
  • Zucchini                                                                      
  • Summer Squash                                                         
  • Crookneck (sweet) Summer Squash  
  • Romaine Lettuce (mini)                                             
  • Bell Peppers                                                               
  • Carrots                                                                                               
  • Cherry Tomatoes                                                       
  • Paradise Pears                                                                       
  • Green beans                                                               
  • Pesto in glass jar
  • Catnip                                       


Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Farm Stand is Open!

We are stocking fresh on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with deliveries to Derry and Londonderry on Mondays by request.  Call for special orders on other days and we will be happy to accommodate. Our farm stand is self serve so come anytime on these days.  Today we picked bell peppers, carrots, basil, roma tomatoes, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, beets, summer squash, zucchini, and crookneck squash. Come on by!