Saturday, June 11, 2016

Unusual Farm Visit

We had an amazing visit from MEGAFOOD'S CEO, ROBERT CRAVEN.  For Robert's birthday, he decided he wanted to give rather than receive so he and some of his employees came by to support local family farming among other things.  When I saw that help was arriving, (at least that is how I saw it - you know how we are with our visitors by now...) we put him right to work. Since Megafood makes their vitamins from vegetables - farm to tablet, I thought Mr. Craven could plant beets.  He certainly earned his keep that day! There was so much about his visit that was special. Mr. Craven is really about helping people, and giving them access to real nutrition using real nutrients. Its not just about the vitamins though, they wiped out our farm stand - meats, greens, eggs, jellies, syrup, all our products and donated them to a food pantry!

Our organic certification requires detailed documentation and labeling of all our fields. Our fields are named after saints but in honor of all that Mr. Craven does to support the community and farmers we decided to name the new, virgin field that Robert worked on the Robert Craven Field. He is in good company with the saints! Thank you Robert for a beautiful day that will go down in TFO history!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thanksgiving Turkeys - pre order open until THIS SUNDAY 6/12 only

For fresh, organic, pastured Turkeys raised the way nature intended.... preordering is required
If you would like to order one (or more) please click on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page to make a $25.00 deposit. If you are using a mobile device, you may need to click on the > at the bottom of the page to see the BUY NOW link.
IMPORTANT - you must order by midnight this Sunday June 12th as we need to order the chicks right away to ensure good weights by Thanksgiving.
Turkeys will $6.50 a pound, so to give you an idea, a 15 lb. bird will be $97.50 minus your deposit $72.50 would be due on delivery.
If you are not able to drive to the farm and pick up, we will arrange some pick up points (i.e. South/North Shore, Metro West and Greater Boston area) or even deliver the bird right to your home if it's not too far.
Please share and if you know others who may want a Fresh Organic Pasture Raised Turkey for their holiday meal, please let them know.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Its Hay Day...

We were blessed today to have cool weather for hay day. Special thanks to our guest helper - Matt who is actually willing to come back tomorrow for the next round - that's the spirit!