Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Come to our Open House

A year in thanksgiving...

Officially Certified Organic fields, animals, vegetables and fruits
Thousands of pounds of vegetables produced and added a CSA
Pig breeding operation and lots of piglets
Raised 700 laying hens
Brooded over 6,000 broilers (meat birds)
Raising rafter of turkeys
Expanded bee yard and honey operation
Added a maple syrup operation
Freezers full of pork and chicken
All new infrastructure
and loads of memories

Its been quite a year and a half! Come celebrate with us on Saturday August 27th 1:00PM
Bring your chair and sit back and listen to Delta Generators Live! Take a tour, see the baby chicks and more...
Photo by Laura Mahoney of Touring NH.com

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Certified Organic Pickling Cucumbers, Sunflowers and more!

Certified Organic Pickling Cucumbers along side fresh dill with lots of heads for sale right here in Goffstown! A variety of sizes and types available $3.50/lb.
Or maybe you would like to freshen things up around your home with one of our beautiful sunflowers? Farmer DJ is our 13 year old flower child and works hard at growing flowers and chamomile.
We also have packages of our pastured organic chicken breasts, drumsticks, thighs and wings along with several fresh vegetables. Eat fresh - eat local!