Sunday, November 13, 2016

Available in the farmstand

We were not satisfied with our sausage and found it pretty average.  We wanted a superior product so we tapped the shoulder of one of our dear friends who happens to be a gourmet chef and after talking, experimenting and trial runs - Mrs. Moriconi's gourmet sausage was born! We are very excited about this product and we think you will be too. Made with our own organic, pasture pork right here on the farm and is naturally gluten free - you won't be disappointed! Many of our friends have caught wind of our new sausage and have been buying it up fast. Below is what is currently available and we will have more of our sold out items in a couple of weeks.

Mrs. Moriconi making our exclusive sausage

Currently we have the following organic, pastured meats available in our self serve farmstand.

  • Chicken Breasts
  • Chicken Thighs
  • Chicken Wings
  • Chicken Drumsticks
  • Whole Chicken
  • Sweet Italian Sausage Links - Mild
  • Sweet Italian Sausage Bulk - Medium
  • Sweet Italian Sausage Patties - Medium
  • Sweet Italian Sausage Links - Hot
  • Smoked Ham Roasts
  • Smoked Bacon (while it lasts)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Turkeys!

Our turkeys love their portable houses complete with roost. We move them every day onto fresh new grass. Its hard to tell but they are so tall we can stand upright in them giving them flying space too. Naturally now we get a LOT of requests for Thanksgiving turkeys for sale but they are SOLD OUT for 2016. Please get your turkey order in early next year - we will even reserve your turkey now.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

So many goodies so little time!

One of the biggest challenges of farming is letting people know what we have available. We have so many items that I will just have to give you a list and not spend a lot of time on the amazing flavor of our products.
Corn on the cob - best season we ever had!
Tomatoes - slicing, Roma, cherry and tear drop
Onions - white and red
GROUND CHERRIES - yes we got those!
Peppers, green and other colors developing
Pumpkins - Brian made me promise not to plant anything that couldn't be eaten so we have SUGAR pumpkins and EDITABLE gourds with a taste that won't disappoint!
Acorn Squash
Hot Chili Peppers
Swiss Chard

We are working on some home made items too - 'THE' salsa is on the way....and it is naturally gluten free!

Feel free to call or text to make sure your favorites are on hand and fresh 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Come to our Open House

A year in thanksgiving...

Officially Certified Organic fields, animals, vegetables and fruits
Thousands of pounds of vegetables produced and added a CSA
Pig breeding operation and lots of piglets
Raised 700 laying hens
Brooded over 6,000 broilers (meat birds)
Raising rafter of turkeys
Expanded bee yard and honey operation
Added a maple syrup operation
Freezers full of pork and chicken
All new infrastructure
and loads of memories

Its been quite a year and a half! Come celebrate with us on Saturday August 27th 1:00PM
Bring your chair and sit back and listen to Delta Generators Live! Take a tour, see the baby chicks and more...
Photo by Laura Mahoney of Touring

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Certified Organic Pickling Cucumbers, Sunflowers and more!

Certified Organic Pickling Cucumbers along side fresh dill with lots of heads for sale right here in Goffstown! A variety of sizes and types available $3.50/lb.
Or maybe you would like to freshen things up around your home with one of our beautiful sunflowers? Farmer DJ is our 13 year old flower child and works hard at growing flowers and chamomile.
We also have packages of our pastured organic chicken breasts, drumsticks, thighs and wings along with several fresh vegetables. Eat fresh - eat local!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Now Certified Organic AND delivering to Londonderry

As you can imagine it is a busy time for us. Last month we became officially certified organic and that means everything - our laying hens, eggs, pullets, vegetables, fruits, fields, hay, piglets, turkeys and our meat chickens. It sure is a good feeling to be official! It was a lot of work but totally worth it. Now our customers have an added level of confidence that you are getting the real deal.

We are now delivery to Londonderry on Fridays at 5:15PM at the Burger King parking lot. If you are interested in pork products, vegetables/fruits, chicken, honey or any of our products, email/text/call us and we can add you to the delivery list.

While our CSA is full at this time, we do offer some of our extra certified organic vegetables which include:
Summer Squash
Pickling Cucumber (must order in advance)
Green Beans
and more....
all available in our self serve farm stand

Next week we will have our own pasture chicken in cuts available (breasts, wings, thighs packages). Contact us ASAP to reserve your portion.

Currently we have ham kabobs, Sweet Italian Sausage, Breakfast sausage both available in links and in blocks (for the avid sauce makers!), pork chops, ribs, roasts and more. Get it while supplies last!

Come by any time and visit, there is always something to see here

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Unusual Farm Visit

We had an amazing visit from MEGAFOOD'S CEO, ROBERT CRAVEN.  For Robert's birthday, he decided he wanted to give rather than receive so he and some of his employees came by to support local family farming among other things.  When I saw that help was arriving, (at least that is how I saw it - you know how we are with our visitors by now...) we put him right to work. Since Megafood makes their vitamins from vegetables - farm to tablet, I thought Mr. Craven could plant beets.  He certainly earned his keep that day! There was so much about his visit that was special. Mr. Craven is really about helping people, and giving them access to real nutrition using real nutrients. Its not just about the vitamins though, they wiped out our farm stand - meats, greens, eggs, jellies, syrup, all our products and donated them to a food pantry!

Our organic certification requires detailed documentation and labeling of all our fields. Our fields are named after saints but in honor of all that Mr. Craven does to support the community and farmers we decided to name the new, virgin field that Robert worked on the Robert Craven Field. He is in good company with the saints! Thank you Robert for a beautiful day that will go down in TFO history!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thanksgiving Turkeys - pre order open until THIS SUNDAY 6/12 only

For fresh, organic, pastured Turkeys raised the way nature intended.... preordering is required
If you would like to order one (or more) please click on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page to make a $25.00 deposit. If you are using a mobile device, you may need to click on the > at the bottom of the page to see the BUY NOW link.
IMPORTANT - you must order by midnight this Sunday June 12th as we need to order the chicks right away to ensure good weights by Thanksgiving.
Turkeys will $6.50 a pound, so to give you an idea, a 15 lb. bird will be $97.50 minus your deposit $72.50 would be due on delivery.
If you are not able to drive to the farm and pick up, we will arrange some pick up points (i.e. South/North Shore, Metro West and Greater Boston area) or even deliver the bird right to your home if it's not too far.
Please share and if you know others who may want a Fresh Organic Pasture Raised Turkey for their holiday meal, please let them know.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Its Hay Day...

We were blessed today to have cool weather for hay day. Special thanks to our guest helper - Matt who is actually willing to come back tomorrow for the next round - that's the spirit!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

What would we do without little helpers!

No person is too small or inexperienced to give us a helping hands. These little hands planted a couple hundred strawberry plants, dozens of raspberries bushes and more in the last two weeks and mulched them up with our own wood chips from last year's trees - only to reap the benefits next year! Thank you Thomas, DJ, Yaya, Jaz and Jam (driving the tractor) you guys rock!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Certified Organic Eggs now available!

Fresh USDA Certified Organic, soy-free eggs are available $5.00/doz. Large amounts of eggs, restaurants inquire!  We also have a limited supply of lighter ones for Easter Egg coloring. Available in our self serve farm stand.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

2016 CSA Offerings

Our 2016 CSA offering is now available
Offering exclusive members-only items over and above our farm stand offering

Spring Season from mid-May until mid-June includes items such as:
  • Strawberries
  • Mixed greens and lettuces
  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Beets
  • Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
  • Eggs -  free range and soy free (1/2 doz for 1/2 share)
Cost is $100 for a full share (serves 4 people) or $50 for a ½ share

Summer Season (prime) from mid-June until mid-September and will be abundant!
Items include more than 25 varieties of vegetables and some fruit, such as:
  • Potatoes                                                                                 
  • Onions                                                                                    
  • Tomatoes                                                                          
  • Cucumbers                                                                 
  • Zucchini /  Summer Squash                         
  • Corn                                                       
  • Bell Peppers                                                               
  • Carrots 
  • Apples                                                                                              
Cost is $550 for a full share (serves 4 people) or $225 for a ½ share
Note: this share does not include eggs or Maple Syrup.

Weekly pick up for CSA members available during daylight hours
at the farm stand at your convenience.
Limited space available.  
Be a part of our growing season this year! 
Reserve your share by sending a 25% deposit to the address on right. 
Payment in full is due by start of share (May 15th for Spring or June 15th for Summer)
Payment plans available.

Additional Offerings: Our self-serve farm stand has many other ORGANIC and gluten free kitchen staples and meats that can be purchased as well, such as:
Apple Cider Vinegar Leaf and regular Lard
Pastured pork (limited) Pastured chicken (limited)
Dried herbs Eggs - free range soy free fed organic
Jellies Honey
Pastured turkeys ready for Thanksgiving (pre ordering required)
Canned vegetables and goods such as our popular salsa and more!

Important Information

CSA programs thrive on a strong sense of community among members and are built on the principle of shared risk – Our success is our success and our challenges are our challenges.  As such, no refunds will be available if unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances occur.

Don’t forget to visit the piglets or baby chicks when you are here!