Monday, June 26, 2017

New Mobile Farm Stand & Partner Farms!

We were very warmly invited by ECCO Shoes in Londonderry to bring our products to them. We are there on Wednesdays from 11:30 - 1:30. Its a work in progress as the season ramps up but we decided to partner with our two favorite farms to provide more variety and exposure to the awesome organic farms right in our own area. We are stocking some beef products from STEVE NORMANTON GRASS-FED BEEF farm in Litchfield, NH. Orders for beef cuts can be made in advance and brought with us on our next delivery. We are also offering awesome dairy products from BENEDIKT DAIRY in Goffstown. We have raw milk (the real cream top deal!), yogurt, butter, fromage (cheese) - all in stock. Behind the scenes our partner farms are more than just products too. We support each other in buying feed in bulk, we share our equipment, transport livestock and products, share advice and so much more. Steve has also been an amazing mentor as we have embarked on new adventures. It is not easy to be a farming family in New Hampshire. So when you purchase local, not only are you reducing air emissions by trucking companies, purchasing healthy, flavorful food and supporting someone's local hard working farm, you are supporting the farming community who hold each other up! That is a grace! Thank you for your support!

Notice anything unusual besides our boar and sows in the background?

Saturday, June 3, 2017

We are open and we have lots news nuggets!

Our pastured chicken can now be purchased at the Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, NH! The Monadnock Food Co-op staff genuinely care about their customers and their farmers. We are very excited about working with them! There will be more to come on that topic. We have MORE NEWS! We have a mobile farm stand! Our new refrigerated van will be bringing not only our farm products but also Benedikt Dairy's milk, yogurt, butter and fromage (garlic herb cheese) and also Steve Normanton's grassfed beef products to ECCO in Londonderry in order to offer alternative, healthy choices! We will be at ECCO every Wednesday from 11:30-1:30 so feel free to come on down. And more news - we have a new look and a new logo thanks to the amazing graphic designer HARRISON DIBONA. What a joy he was to work with, and very accommodating even when it came to late night press deadlines. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND Harrison for any design needs. Below is a picture of one of our new labels so you can see for yourself. We have FRESH Chicken cuts - breast, leg/thigh quarters, wings or whole chicken. Wait until you taste it - you will never go back to store bought! Our organic pastured pork is going fast and when it is gone, you will be sad and so will we! Bacon, Pork Chops, Ham Steaks, Ground Pork, Spare Ribs, Baby back ribs, Loin Roasts, Smoked Shoulder, Fresh ham kabobs for the grill just to name a few. The veggies are coming, the veggies are coming! All of us southern NH farms have been hit with a cold rainy spring but its coming, slowly but surely we have veggie offerings. We are traveling to Londonderry twice/week so if you need any products from us or any of our partner farms, let us know and we will accommodate you! We are OPEN starting this weekend during daylight hours. oh any yes - we have cute piglets and baby chicks to visit too! We look forward to your visit!