Tuesday, November 28, 2017

It's official, we have gone cuckoo for chickens!

So much so that we want to share them with you! We are now very eggcited to be part of RENT THE CHICKEN! To learn about seasonal chicken and coop rentals, go to their website www.RentTheChicken.com or visit their FB page. You'll find some egg-cellent information. There is a great sale going on right now if you are looking for a unique holy-day gift!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What to get the person who has everything?

A Gift Card from Templeton Family Organics! Just in time for the Holiday season. These can be used on any of our products - veggies, honey, pork, maple syrup, chicken or how about a laying hen or two? Or maybe a whole freezer full of meat? Who can't use food?  Isn't it even more special that you are supporting a local family farm AND its organic. Its healthy, meaningful and environmentally friendly. So get your shopping done early and in peace (no crazy stores to go through!) and come on down, pick up some gift cards, cross off a few people off your shopping list, and while you are here, visit our baby chicks that just came in today!