Sunday, February 11, 2018

Union Leader

The Union Leader visited us this week. Please copy and paste the URL here to view the entire article and photos posted in the Business Section of the Sunday Union Leader 2/11/2018

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Our Organic, Pastured, AWA Pork Sampler is back!

This was a hit last year. One of each of our favorite pork items, approximately 15 lbs of prime cuts which makes it freezer friendly too. Organic, pastured raised, Animal Welfare Approved pork, you can not beat the flavor, it is absolutely amazing. If you are not sure, try our pork at the Foundry Restaurant or at Frank's Place. At $9.00 a pound that is a great savings, a $3.00 savings on the bacon alone! Here are just a few items included in the sampler. Supplies are limited to order soon!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Come See us at the NH Farm and Forest Expo - there is lots for everyone!

Great day yesterday and expecting more fun today! Kids under 16 are FREE! And only $7.00 for adults and less if you donate a canned food item.  Here are some pics from yesterday.